After living through traumatic events experienced at Standing Rock, I felt a driving desire to engage in the creative arts as a means of healing and moving through the shadows of the experience
During the processes my degree, I engaged in a number projects beyond that of the Ceremonial Bear Drum and Bear Blanket
The compilation of pieces shown below include: two autoethnographical paintings which tell part of my Standing Rock story; a ceremonial Bear drum, Bear drum bag, and Bear rattle; a Bear blanket my mom made for me from the left over Bear hair; a Tobacco pouch made with brain tanned Moose-hide, Caribou tail and Bears tooth; a small needle-felted Bear made with Bear hair and with a tobacco offering inside; a brain-tanned Moose-hide handle for an Eagle Fan; Medicine Bags I made for some of my Woman Warrior family at Standing Rock; medicines I either grew or wild harvested for ceremony; sketches of my time on the land during Hanblecheya (Vision Quest); a ceremonial Chanupa (pipe) Bag and Personal Pipe I wrapped with Bear hide gifted to me by Knowledge Holder Bill Bertschy: and the Bears skull I prepared as a gift for Bill Bertschy to say thank you
Website Design & Creation by K.S.Auerbach All Photography & Videography unless otherwise noted, by K.S.Auerbach